All current members were mailed a proxy letter for the Annual Meeting of the Park Shore Association, Inc. to be held on February 7, 2024. One item to be voted upon is Amending the Bylaws. The Bylaws of the Park Shore Association have remained unchanged since the creation of the Association more than 50 years ago. A Bylaws Committee was appointed by the Park Shore Association Board of Directors to review the original Bylaws and propose any necessary changes to eliminate outdated or obsolete provisions, clarify ambiguous provisions, and make the document more reflective of current laws. Many of the proposed changes being presented at this time reflect liberalized rules regarding meetings such as the use of electronic realities, including the use of the Association’s web site for new membership applications and the ability to conduct meetings via conference call or Zoom. The proposed changes also codify several procedures that have been in effect for years such as the use of proxy voting for annual meetings, the staggering of board terms and the role of the Executive Director. Other substantive changes relate to membership categories, nominations to the board, officer duties and board committees.

Original Bylaws | Proposed Bylaws

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